Data sgp is a tool for analyzing student performance and growth using the data from your school or district. It provides information on how much students have grew compared to their academic peers, and it can help teachers determine whether their students have grown more than or less than expected. The tool allows users to create charts and tables of a specific student’s progress over time, or to view an aggregate picture of how all students in a classroom have performed.
Student growth percentages (SGP) are estimates of the percentile rank of a student on one or more content areas measured by the recent Star assessment compared to students with similar prior achievement histories. Using SGPs, teachers can see how well their students have learned and understand what they need to do to continue growing.
SGPs are based on large samples of students who have taken the most recent ACT tests through school-day testing programs. The resulting scores are weighted to be more representative of the national population of students who take the ACT, taking into account factors such as student race/ethnicity and gender, student socioeconomic status, and school characteristics such as student poverty level and test-taking time.
Each year, the Badger Exam has been a new and different experience for educators, students, and parents alike. This unique nature of the Badger Exam has presented many challenges for interpreting and making sense of the corresponding student-level data. This article describes the sgpData tool, an online application that helps users make sense of these complex data sets.
sgpData is an open source software program that uses the R statistical programming language and data sets provided by DPI to produce student-level SGP reports and charts. sgpData is available as an easy-to-install package for Linux and macOS and can also be accessed from the command line.
The sgpData tool is intended to be used by educators, administrators, and families. It is not intended to be used as a replacement for student performance reports or educator evaluations. While it is a powerful analysis tool, we recognize that it requires a significant amount of technical knowledge to use effectively. Educators who are not familiar with SGP analyses should begin by reviewing the sgpData user guide and other resources before using the tool.
The sgpData dataset is a tabular spreadsheet formatted to be easily imported into a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets. Each row of the file contains a student’s unique ID and the values associated with each of their test records from the most recent Star assessment and one prior Star assessment. The column labeled sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER is an anonymized teacher-student lookup table that indicates the instructor of each test record. A single student may have multiple instructors for a particular test in a given year and content area. If a single teacher is assigned to multiple students, the sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER value will be an integer indicating the number of different instructors who taught the student during that year.